Ariana and Tamir’s Wedding | PGA National Perfect Wedding

These two. I just cannot even contain my excitement for sharing their photos. Not just because I love how they turned out, but also because I ADORE this couple and their families!

From the moment I talked with Ariana about her wedding, I knew their wedding would be beautiful. We actually never got to meet before the wedding because they don’t leave nearby, and their wedding itself was not in Orlando. We had to just settle for phone calls and emails, and it was just fine! But when I walked into the hotel room, I was greeted with giant smiles, a happy, easy-going bride, and and big hugs all around! I honestly felt like family right away!

Their wedding was everything a wedding should be. HAPPY (first and foremost), elegant, full of love from every angle, full of laughter anywhere you turned.

Ariana and Tamir incorporated so many amazing Jewish traditions into their wedding, which really made me feel like home. I just love when I can sing along to the Horah while everyone dances in a giant circle and has the time of their lives! 

Thank you so much, Ariana and Tamir, for including me in such a special day. Your wedding was magical, just like the love that you two have (cornyyyy, I know).

I adore you and I cannot wait to get the rest of your photos to you soon!!!

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