Mommy and Me Session | Tickles and Laughter | Sivan Photography

I first started photographing Amanda and Dmitry for their engagement session in 2012. Holy cow. 6 years ago! I don’t know where the time goes!!

Then I photographed their wedding, followed by multiple sessions of them once their first addition joined the family. Over the years, I’ve watched this sweet family grow bigger, love stronger, and laugh harder.

When Amanda contacted me about joining me for my Mommy and Me minis, I was beyond excited. I knew we would have such a great time with sweet little snuggles, tickles, and lots of smiles! And yep…that’s exactly what happened!

Enjoy the pure sweetness you’re about to see!


Mommy and Me Session | Tickles and Laughter | Sivan Photography

October 17, 2018 - 2:36 pm

Amanda Burets - Love these pictures! They make my heart smile EVERYDAY!! Thank you Sivan for capturing the love between my girls and I.

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