Dear Mother’s Day,
I love you!
It’s a day that I loved celebrating with my mom for as long as I can remember, but for so long waited to celebrate for myself, too. Through the years, I’ve had the amazing pleasure of working with so many mommas and their kids while silently yearning to be there one day soon, too. From maternity, to newborn, family, and weddings. From the sweet, cuddly moments, to the “you’re all grown up and getting married” moments. Oh how I couldn’t wait to be one of those mommas! And thanks to science, a great doctor, and the most incredible and supportive husband, here we are with our sweet little Landon!
This year is my 2nd year as a mommy, and I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate everything my little Landon has given me and my heart. From the amazing ups, to the “omg will this night ever end” downs, he has taught me so much about myself. Amazing how little humans can do something so big like teach us adults about ourselves!
I decided that this year, I wanted to write a short blog celebrating Mother’s Day and all of the incredible moms I have photographed. You all make the world go ’round for those kiddos of yours. Being a mom is no easy feat, but is worth everything!
Being a mom isn’t just about giving birth to a baby. No. It is much more. Whether your baby grew in your womb, or in someone else’s womb via a surrogate. Whether you adopted an embryo, or adopted a child. Whether you fostered, became the legal guardian for whatever reason, did fertility treatments like IUIs or IVF, or anything else…
If you love that child with every ounce of your body and soul,
If you would do anything in the world for that child,
If you raised that child and have given him/her everything you possibly can,
…the list goes on and on!
I had a really difficult time going through and picking photos for this Mother’s Day Blog, and I wish I could showcase them ALL. But alas, I had to keep it “short.”
Enjoy looking through these special moments, and please leave a comment on this blog about who inspires you as a mom and why! Let’s give a shout out to all of those wonderful, hard-working women out there and make sure they are recognized!
And finally, here I am with my little guy and my mom last Mother’s Day. She inspires me and teaches me patience, unconditional love, and forgiveness.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Day – 2018. Taken just a few days ago with my sweet little guy!
A Mother’s Day Blog | Orlando Photographer | Sivan Photography